Flamboyant flowers.
In a tabular form:
Under parts:
1. Filament.
2. Style.
3. Petals.
4. Sepal
Under Number:
1. 5
2. 1
3. 5
4. 5
Filament – It is the male organ used in production.
Style – It is the female organ through which the gametes pass.
Petal – It produces sweet juices for the insects.
(i) It has nectary gland.
(ii) The anthers contains few pollen grains.
(iii) The stigma is lobbed with sticky surfaces for easy adherence of the pollen grain.
M – Tilapia fish.
-It is poikilothermic animal.
-It possess dorsal fin for swimming.
-The body is covered with overlapping scales.
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