Many of those
Pastor Olu Famous have assisted with prayers in Lagos are people trying to get a decent life legitimately. A lot of them are getting better already. Interestingly, some are men and women who were doing well before and they never thought anything could disorganise their life.
Sadly, it happened and the experience wasn't palatable. But with the Right Prayers you'll be restored if you follow instructions and trust God. For those who are still ok, take divine steps to secure your blessings from the STORMS of life. Don't wait for things to happen and you start losing your peace.
Being in a place of uncertainty can be very distressing...
Some seasons in life can feel like something else. You feel confined, limited, and impatient as you wait for divine intervention in your situation. It’s as if you are in a “season between seasons.”
What can you do when you find yourself between seasons?
Work on improving what you know for sure:
Sometimes, the waiting room is the perfect place to go back to the basics. Ask yourself some tough questions such as...
What am I doing here?
How did I get here?
Why do I do what I do?
Is God calling me to something better?
Then, recall what you know to be true. Biblically, what can you declare with absolute certainty? Doing this can strengthen your heart and give clarity for the season ahead. It may be as simple as reciting the foundational truths that established your faith in the first place.
Some of my favorite absolutes are:
> In the beginning was the Word.
> Through Him all things were made.
> We love because He first loved us.
> Jesus took his last breath and said, “It is finished.”
> On the third day He rose again.
> Jesus is coming back to receive His own.
By remembering who God is, what He has done and what He will do, our “season between seasons” can become less drudgery and more of a holy place of rest and replenishment.
When we ask things according to His will and not our own, wonderful things happen. And the best part is, we will KNOW that we are in the exact place He wants us to be.
Seek help with a heart of “not my will but Your will Oh Lord!"
[written by
Jennifer Waddle]
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