Praying is important. But involving others in this process is helpful. Read Luke 8:27-36. Did you ever wonder why Jesus let the demons that were in the man go into the herd of pigs? Why would God let the pigs drown? And then it hit me...
Jesus had performed other miracles by this time. And some of them might have been shared, or maybe not. But the fact that a herd of pigs ran off the edge of a cliff and all drowned. That would be a story people would remember.
Sometimes things happen to us which stretch our faith. Enlisting others to pray is dually beneficial:
Sharing your burdens lessens them.
Others grow spiritually as they see God answer prayers they had a part in.
Read 1 Peter 5:7. God informs us that we are to cast our anxiety on him. Why? Because no one cares about us like God does.
Learn & Understand The Word Of God
Read Ephesians 6:10-20. In this section God describes why it is important to stand against the enemy of our soul. Satan loves to attack at our weakest points, so we need the power of God to fight this. We need the his armor. God’s own Son turned to God and his Word when tempted.
Read Matthew 4:1-11. Jesus started every sentence with “It is written.” He knew he could be strengthened by his Father, and he did just that. What a wonderful example he was in turning to God’s Word instead of thinking he had what it took to stand up to the enemy. We have to remember Satan is the father of lies. He’s sneaky and he knows our weak points. Thankfully, God is stronger than anyone, and he will be what we need in every situation.
Talk To A Pastor
If you notice that you're struggling, it's time to call on a pastor to help you sort things out. They know the Word and the Truth. An anointed Pastor will help you in ways that you can't help yourself through the enablement of the Holy Spirit.
[written by
Anne Peterson]
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